
I am fortunate to work with the following people. Our group is embedded in the section for Quantum Physics and Information Technology and the Center for Macroscopic Quantum States (bigQ) Center of Excellence.


Jonatan Bohr Brask


Alexssandre de Oliveira Junior

PhD students

Kristian Toccacelo

Esben Bach Klarlund (co-supervision)

Isabel Moreno Babuglia

MSc students

Former members

Nicholas Alan Hill, MSc thesis student.

Dr. Bradley Longstaff, postdoc. Now at University of Basel.

Dr. Michael Jabbour, postdoc. Now at Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Dr. Carles Roch i Carceller, PhD student. Now at Lund University.

Anders Jannik Ehlers Bjerrum, PhD student. Now postdoc at QPIT, DTU Physics.

Dr. Kieran Wilkinson, postdoc. Now at Quantinuum.

Dr. Mathias Rønnow Jørgensen, PhD student, postdoc. Now at Halfspace.

Nicoló Sguerso, MSc. thesis student.

Paula Ruiz de la Cuesta Castaño, MSc. thesis student.

Kamma Nørrelund Pedersen, BSc. thesis student.

Andreas Hürtig, BSc. thesis student.